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financial education courses

We’ve been working on app to spread our message and mission of teaching everyone about money management. It’s been a challenging journey, but we’re pleased to announce that we are officially piloting it. Our learning tool has been called fun, cool & interesting.

The Bmoneywize app is a culmination of all the best parts of the board game, it encourages discussions about saving, investing and helps the players to see money in a different way. In an incredibly digital age, an app is a natural next step for learning and development, so we’re riding the wave.

Our next steps will be to visit the local schools of Barking & Dagenham and organise workshops for the kids to try out the app. In the last week; we’ve already been to the Dagenham Heathway library, where we gave a few primary school kids a quick trial run of the app and visited Barking and Dagenham college with some young adults.

We’d like to visit as many schools as possible in the next few months, offer the kids a free trial of the app, get their feedback and improve to make sure we can release the best version possible! If you’d like us to visit your school, please get in touch!

Email us at: admin@bmoneywize.co.uk

We are hoping to launch the app officially later this year! Keep your eyes peeled on our social media pages for more updates.

money education in schools financial education courses